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Eddy Cue chats with the Hollywood Reporter

Apple senior vice president Eddy Cue gave an interview to the Hollywood Reporter about Apple’s media ambitions–or lack thereof:

It’s still very unclear what Apple plans to do in the original content space.

We are only going into the content business [with projects] that we think are really tied to our products. Right now, that’s Apple Music. The rest of it is about giving [talent] a platform that allows them to be creative in new ways. If I was an agent, I would be very, very excited about what Apple is doing because it lets the people that I represent be able to do more.

To me, that says Apple’s got more content ideas in the offing. Maybe not scripted TV series, perhaps, but there’s a lot of content they could get involved with that doesn’t fit in that category. (See the reality TV show, the Taylor Swift tour documentary, the Visions of Harmony video, etc.)

—Linked by Dan Moren

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