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Apple thwarts jailbreakers with iOS 9.3.4 update

Update fixes a single issue credited to prominent jailbreaking group Team Pangu.

Apple thwarts jailbreakers with iOS 9.3.4 update
Andrew Cunningham

iOS 9.3.3 went through several beta tests before it was released a couple of weeks ago, but Apple apparently didn't catch everything. Today the company released iOS 9.3.4, an update for all devices that run iOS 9: the iPhone 4S and newer; iPad 2 and newer; all iPad Minis and iPad Pros; and the fifth- and sixth-generation iPod Touches.

The update only appears to fix a single issue, discussed in the security notes for the update. Apple has patched a memory corruption problem that could lead to arbitrary code execution. The company credits Team Pangu, a prominent developer in the jailbreaking community, with finding the bug. Apple doesn't explicitly mention jailbreaking, but this means that the recently released jailbreaking tools for iOS 9.3.3 almost certainly won't work in iOS 9.3.4.

We recommend against jailbreaking, because you're usually running old software with known vulnerabilities, and you're inviting additional problems by installing unvetted apps on your device. iOS is also much more permissive than it once was, which in many cases lessens or entirely removes the need for jailbreaking.

Listing image by Andrew Cunningham

Channel Ars Technica