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By Dan Moren

Quick Tip: Delete a sticker from a Messages conversation

Note: This story has not been updated for several years.


I stand corrected: it seems you can actually delete stickers in Messages under iOS 10, not just temporarily hide them. This tip comes courtesy Ed Cormany of podcast Simple Beep, who also points out just how amazingly discoverable it is.

To get rid of one of these suckers, 3D Touch or long-press on a sticker. Tap Sticker details to bring up information about where that sticker came from. Now–are you ready?–swipe left on that entry to reveal a Delete button. Give it a tap and the sticker shall bother you no more.

This appears to work on both stickers sent by you as well as those sent by other people. (It doesn’t seem to apply if you just send a sticker as a standalone message, though–only if you “attach” it to a text message.)

So now in addition to having sticker-posting wars with your friends, you can have sticker-deleting wars. Go forth and enjoy.

[Dan Moren is the East Coast Bureau Chief of Six Colors. You can find him on Mastodon at or reach him by email at His latest novel, the supernatural detective story All Souls Lost, is out now.]

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