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By Jason Snell

Changes at Clockwise

Note: This story has not been updated for several years.

Dan Moren and I have been doing the Clockwise podcast since 2013, back when we both worked at IDG. During the September 2014 layoffs, I asked my boss at IDG if we could take Clockwise with us when we left. The company had no real podcast strategy and I knew they wouldn’t continue doing it. He graciously agreed1, and Myke and Stephen at Relay FM agreed to take it on at the same time that Myke and I started doing the Upgrade podcast.

These days podcasting is a much larger portion of my job than I ever expected. I suspect I will earn more of my income from podcasting than from writing this year, which… is very strange for someone who fundamentally considers himself a writer. But what’s life without constant challenges to your self-image?

Over the last nine months I’ve been talking with the Relay guys about starting a new podcast, one that would (like Clockwise) bring in an array of voices to Relay via a panel format, but cover the tech industry more broadly and in a little more depth. That podcast, Download, launched last week. (Check it out if you haven’t!)

But when I was discussing what would become Download with Myke and Stephen, I realized that there was no way I could take on that new project without reducing my workload somewhere else. And given the similarities in format between Clockwise and Download, it seemed like the most logical thing to do would be to move off of Clockwise when I started doing Download.

So that’s what has come to pass. This week’s Clockwise is my last a regular co-host. Like Joel Robinson stowing away in a box of Hamdingers, I have left the Satellite of Love. But fortunately, there’s another guy in a jump suit2 ready to clock in—Mikah Sargent, who will be joining Dan as the new co-host of Clockwise. I wish them both the best, and think they’ll be a great team.

In any event, Clockwise and Download are two podcasts you should try if you haven’t! One of them has the benefit of four years of fine tuning, while the other is still finding its legs. But I think they’re both worth your consideration.

  1. I’ve heard this decision was later questioned by corporate higher-ups, which kind of delights me. 
  2. I guess this makes Dan all of the Bots? 

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