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Next Apple iPad hits shelves next week (Video)

By Michael Clinton
 –  Guest Correspondent, Jacksonville Business Journal


Apple Inc. says the latest incarnation of its fourth-generation iPad -- this one with double the storage of its current largest model -- will hit shelves on Feb. 5.

The step up to 128GB versions of the iPad is an incremental one for Apple, and one that seems aimed at enterprises and other users with large amounts of data, according to The Wall Street Journal’s Digits blog.

Prices will range from $799 for the Wi-Fi model to $929 for the Wi-Fi-plus-cellular model, according to Apple’s news release. The new versions will be available in the Apple Online store, Apple stores and “select Apple Authorized Resellers.”

The Silicon Valley Business Journal posted a report today about the dropping prices for Apple’s stock and some of its earlier product models -- and what that might mean for the Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant. At the same time, several other news sources are showing leaked pictures of possible prototypes of the new iPad, iPad Mini and a “budget” iPhone 5.

Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) has one store in the Metro Jacksonville area, in the St. Johns Town Center at 4712 River City Drive, Suite 117.